Saturday, May 7, 2011

Sit with me

Another springtime entry from the archives...

Ground Ivy

Cool breezes and lazy clouds. Sitting on a wooded hill, dog at my side, surrounded by Spring Beautys, listening to the first calls of the Brown Thrasher. Waiting... watching... found him! Soaking in the sun and the sounds - and the silence. Taking pictures of wildflowers, watching the Bluebirds visit a nest box, crossing the creek. Paddling in kayaks with my beloved, floating the lake. Watching a Kingfisher, then a Great Blue Heron. Spotting from afar Trillium blooming near the bank, coming closer to also discover Toad Lily mixed in. Beauty abounds all around. If only all days could be this perfect.

1 comment:

FAB said...

I can relate to that ... standing in a sunlit clearing with bird song from every quarter and a pair of newly arrived Swallows twisting and turning just a few feet above my head. Just another glorious Spring day. FAB.