That's me on the left, my sister-in-law on the right
During my blogging down time I've been kind of quiet as far as my blog commenting goes - I'm out there reading your entries, but just not saying much. Don't worry, I still have much love for all your blogs. I'll get back in the swing of things eventually.
Not-so-sneaky chipmunk, attempting to climb the squirrel-proof bird feeder
P.S. - Speaking of seeing you, the Midwest Birding Symposium is being held Sept 17-20 up in Lakeside, Ohio. I hope to see lots of you there! Click the banner ad over on the right for more details. If you haven't already got yourself registered, you best get to it!
I like your photo duel. You guys are cute, but not nearly as cute as that chipmunk! You caught him in the perfect pose!
Michele - Everyone photographed in this post is Caught in the Act! Hee hee!
What a sly chipmunk!! He thinks he is smarter than the squirrels, but alas...I bet he didn't get dinner from that feeder!
So was the chipmunk able to climb that pole all the way to the food? That's such a cute picture!
Cedar Falls, Ruthie - The chipmunk got smart! He couldn't get to the food from below, but he figured out how to use the surrounding trees to get on the feeder from above... and then he commenced filling those little cheek pouches with as much seed as he could!
Hey, I like the photo duel! It was great seeing you guys today. Your visit made my day.
The spider web photo in the previous entry is really beautiful.
Jenny - It was really good to see you guys, too. I'm so glad we got to see the kids enjoying their new (to them!) bikes. I hope you'll post some of those paintings that I saw sitting above the fireplace - I just loved those. I think I like your landscape paintings the best.
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