Tuesday, February 8, 2011

Waiting and resting

I haven't yet lamented about this winter season, which is really saying something for me. And I'm not going to start now. But that doesn't mean that I'm not thinking about spring, as I most certainly am. I am waiting.

There's a certain stillness about winter that starts to creep in right around February, a quite time that is necessary before the buzz of March and April. A proverbial calm before the storm - but a good storm, full of greenery and flowers and bird song and hope. Yes, we still need to rest some more before making that push toward vernal bliss. In that resting, I contemplate, looking at the bleak landscape, seeing it for textures, knowing it will become fertile soon enough.

For now, the landscape must rest, laying in the peaceful repose of dormancy. She is waiting, too.


Red said...

It's all from your own perspective! I really have to wait as we won't lose our snow until the end of March. But we'll catch up to you as the sun is higher and our stuff really moves.

KaHolly said...

Heather, you sound so wise! Yet, hopefullness prevails!! I like your term "vernal bliss". I might steal it:)! Lovely pictures that accompany your musings in just the right way. I don't know if I ever told you how much I like your header. ~karen

ruthinian said...

your photos are all amazing.

Heather said...

Red - I'm not sure I could live much farther north than I do for that very reason - long winters and lots of darkness during those winters. Hang on, spring will be here soon!

Karen - Steal away with the vernal bliss! ;)

Ruthi - Thanks so much!

Meg said...

That curly stuff in the small, top left photo...that's what I've been noticing lately as I walk. I guess it is a type of grass, right? It is spongy and wonderful and reminds me of curly hair. John and I actually rode the horses for three days in a row! I am enjoying the Time Before the Flies Get Bad : )

Heather said...

Meg - I assume it's a grass, but I have no idea what kind. It reminds me of curly hair, too, though. Glad you've been getting some riding in, and I'm sure the horses are glad of it, too. We still have a few months before the flies get bad, right?

Judy said...

I can feel all these textures with my eyes! I esp love the first one, with the former flowers!