Wednesday, August 11, 2010

To be continued...

I know I'm not obligated to provide an explanation for a blogging absence, but I feel like I had finally gotten back into a groove, and now it's been sidetracked. The main issue is that my laptop is temporarily without power, and since that's where all my pictures live, well, it's kind of hard for me to do a blog post without pictures. Durn AC adapter! I've got a new one on order, but it might not arrive until next week.

In addition to that, Dave and I have a time-consuming construction project under way that has been eating a lot of our time, and leaving me with little time for composing posts, or hanging out in nature, for that matter. So, as much as I hate it, the blogging powers are conspiring against me for the time being. Or we could just blame it on the heat and humidity!

Longing for cooler days, like when this photo was taken in October 2009

I'll be back as soon as I'm able.


Jain said...

That's an amazing photo!

Oh... for just one crisp and frosty evening!

Carol Mattingly said...

Not to worry Heather. We're not going anywhere. Carol

Heather said...

Jain - I know what you mean! I think I'll skip the frost for now, though! ;)

Carol - Thanks, glad you'll stick with me!

FAB said...

Hope you don't have to wait too long, well at least well before the leaves start falling!!
Take care. FAB.

Heather said...

Frank - I'm already getting a little twitchy... I'm really missing getting posts together! I'll be back before the leaves start falling, for sure!

Judy said...

At first, I was afraid you were going to say this is a current photo, but then I read the caption. Memories of cooler weather are very welcome, indeed!!

Heather said...

Judy - That would be something to worry about, I think, if the weather were like that in August. Sorry to worry you!