The ground is coming alive in many parts of the country, and our little plot of woods is no exception. Here's some of what's blooming around here right now.
Cut-leaved Toothwort
unknown yellow flower?!?! Anyone out there know what this is?
Couldn't resist another Daffodil shot!
Autumn Olive (left), Bluets (right)Ground Ivy
Buckeye tree
Finally, my last collage (at least for now!) This shows Mayapples in various stages of... unfurlment. Our backyard, such as it is, is a veritable forest of Mayapples each spring.
Ha ha! I love the Mayapples in all their unfurling weirdness! And I like ground ivy. I used to have it all over my yard in Columbus. It gets a bit invasive in the flower beds, but is easy enough to pull out. I used to call it "Gil o' the ground." Anyway--thanks for the tour : ) Can you believe all the coming back to life?!
I love bluets! I haven't seen any in years! Oh my!
You asked about my lens on my blog. It is a Nikon ED AF-S Nikkor 70-300mm lens with VR reduction and I like it very much!
Thanks for letting me see what blooms in the woods Heather, for I shall never get to see them here. Unless I get a real powerful scope or lens..LOL Beautiful photos!!!
...I love the little Bluets and very nice collage of the Mayapples! (...looking back at Kathie's comment...nice lens...I'd like it too!)
Your stuff always rocks! I love you nature and wildlife pics. And, your experimentation with your digital photo program....
The new floral and fauna where you are is fabulous, thank you for a view into your 'backyard'.
Meg - I'm seeing more ground ivy this year up by our house, bordering our gravel driveway. It's so colorful, and it's far enough away from anything I'm purposefully growing that I'll just let it run wild. I'm very happy that everything is coming back to life!
Kathie - I've read that Bluets are an indicator of poor soil - I guess clay counts for that! Thanks for the lens review. I will keep it in mind if I ever decide to break down and spend the money on a new "big" lens.
Ginnymo - Always happy to share!
Kelly - Thanks. It was a neat opportunity to see the Mayapples in such varying stages.
OpenHeart - Thanks for your nice comments, I'm glad you enjoy what I have to share.
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